Saturday, September 8, 2012


Sunset seen through a tree in White Ranch open space park Radiance iPhone shot using the proHDR app.

Monday, September 3, 2012

hiding images

Some images I found hiding in my library from Summit Lake on Mount Evans.

King's crown. Buy a print.
High resolution composite from 9 shots. Individual shots: Nikon D300. Nikkor 18-55mm at 34 mm, f/16, 5.0s, ISO 200.

Shroud. Buy a print.
High resolution composite from 12 shots. Individual shots: Nikon D300. Nikkor 18-55mm at 35 mm, f/16, 10.0s, ISO 200.

Detecting retina displays

Was just reading up on how to detect retina (HiDPI) displays and I am trying this out on this post.

For you nerds, I added a javascript function to my blog's CSS that looks like: <script type='text/javascript'> var retina = window.devicePixelRatio > 1 ? true : false; </script> Then in the post's body I use a statement like <p id="wavesimage"></p> <SCRIPT type="text/javascript"> if (retina) { var sandhtml = '<a href="!i=1545566790&k=r6gmsz3&lb=1&s=A" title="Waves"><img src="" width=399 height=600 title="Waves" alt="Waves"></a>'; } else { var sandhtml = '<a href="!i=1545566790&k=r6gmsz3&lb=1&s=A" title="Waves"><img src="" title="Waves" alt="Waves"></a>'; } document.getElementById("wavesimage").innerHTML=sandhtml; </SCRIPT> This post was inspired by what I read here. It seems to work. This is becoming more and more relevant with all the high res displays on mobile platforms as well as the retina displays that Apple is pushing.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

New homepage slideshow

I updated the slideshow on my main portfolio page. This page is hosted by smugmug and I heavily customized the slideshow module for this using CSS. Please check it out and let me know how it works for you. I only checked using Safari and Firefox since I do not have a windows machine. Amazingly, this looks really nice on retina screens as it uses high resolution images that are downscaled by the window manager instead of by flash or something else.

Update: I am now using Fastline Media's fullpage slideshow code. It misses a few features from Smugmug's code (no direct clickthrough - no support for retina (it scales to normal resolution before displaying for some strange reason)) but has several that make it work really well such as that it scales to the browser screen in both dimensions and can display behind the other elements on the page.